Onleihe. All titles related to Strohm, Reinhard


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Das Wiener Kärntnertortheater 1728–1748

Vom städtischen Schauspielhaus zum höfischen Opernbetrieb

Das Wiener Kärntnertortheater war in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts nicht nur beliebte Spiel ...

In stock since: 13.04.2023


Wagner, Richard

Tristan und Isolde

Prelude and Liebestod

Over 100 works of the well-known Edition Eulenburg series of scores from orchestral and choral liter ...

In stock since: 30.11.2022


Wagner, Richard

The Flying Dutchman

Overture to the Opera

Over 100 works of the well-known Edition Eulenburg series of scores from orchestral and choral liter ...

In stock since: 30.11.2022


Wagner, Richard


Overture to the Opera

Over 100 works of the well-known Edition Eulenburg series of scores from orchestral and choral liter ...

In stock since: 30.11.2022
