Onleihe. All titles related to Literizon this publisher


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London, Jack

The sea-wolf


The soft, domesticated intellectual Humphrey van Weyden is forced to become tough and self-reliant b ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Woolf, Virginia

Night and day


Night and Day (1919) is a novel by Virginia Woolf. Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Fitzgerald, F. Scott

The curious case of Benjamin Button


The curious Case of Benjamin Button, a 1921 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, now a major motion p ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Chopin, Kate

The awakening


The American 'Madam Bovary'. Kate Chopins 1899 novella The Awakening is about the personal, sexual,  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Nov 8, 2024

Leroux, Gaston

The phantom of the opera

Christine Daae was brought up in the Paris Opera house. Her musician father suddenly dies, telling h ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Oct 28, 2024

Chesterton, G. K.

The wisdom of father Brown


This is the second of five books of short stories about G. K. Chestertons fictional detective, first ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Oct 27, 2024

London, Jack

White fang

When White Fang is birthed in a cave to a wolf sire and a wolf/dog halfbreed dam, he is heir to two  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Verne, Jules

Michael Strogoff


Adventure in the Russia of the Czar. This is the account of the perilous mission of Michael Strogoff ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Doyle, Arthur Conan

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes


The first 12 cases of Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson chronicles here some of the more interesting detec ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Oct 29, 2024

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Uncle Tom's cabin

Best selling and influential anti-slavery novel. Among the most 'banned' books in the United States, ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Hardy, Thomas

Tess of the d'Urbervilles


A young strong-willed peasant girl, becomes the affection of two men, in the end tragically falling  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Austen, Jane

Pride and prejudice


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be i ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Austen, Jane



A love story full of complexity and humour. Anne Elliot is persuaded by her friend to break off her  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Nov 4, 2024

Austen, Jane

Northanger Abbey


Jane Austen spoofs the Gothic novel in which truth turns out to be stranger than fiction. Catherine  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Nov 1, 2024

Wallace, Lew


a tale of the Christ

Ben-Hur is a story of two very different heroes. Judah Ben-Hur, a prince of Jerusalem, is involved i ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Wilde, Oscar

The Canterville ghost


The funny and famous haunted house story by Oscar Wilde. Hiram B. Otis and his family move into Cant ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Melville, Herman

Moby Dick


'Call me Ishmael.' Ahabs obsession with killing the great white whale overwhelms his good judgment a ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Conrad, Joseph

Lord Jim

An early and primary event is Jims abandonment of a ship in distress on which he is serving as a mat ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015

Expected to be available from: Nov 3, 2024

Conrad, Joseph

The heart of darkness

'Heart of Darkness' tells of Marlow, a seaman, who voyages into the heart of the African continent t ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Doyle, Arthur Conan

The hound of the Baskervilles


Will Sherlock Holmes find the truth behind the legend of the hound of the Baskervilles? The Hound of ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015
