Onleihe. Financial Analysis: Making Business Projections


Financial Analysis: Making Business Projections

Financial Analysis: Making Business Projections

Person: Rosenberg, Rudolph

Year: 2014


Estimating future financial performance plays a big part in the life of start-ups and corporations large and small. By looking ahead, companies can proactively manage changes. Start-ups can use projections to build business plans and raise capital. This course is about making those financial projections: not by predicting the future, but by learning from past performance. Rudolph Rosenberg shares the techniques used by financial planning professionals to build robust financial projections using Microsoft Excel. He shows how to combine two approaches-bottom up and top down-into a well-rounded projection that will help you analyze revenue and expenses, anticipate changes, and incorporate company goals in a realistic picture of your company''s future.

Title: Financial Analysis: Making Business Projections

Person: Rosenberg, Rudolph

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

14716 Copies
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Loan period: 180 days