Onleihe. All titles related to Springer International Publishing,


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Dudenhoeffer, Larrie

Anatomy of the Superhero Film

This book addresses what a superhero body can do by developing several 'x-rays' of the superbody's s ...

In stock since: 06.09.2018


Mizzaro, Stefano; Crestani, Fabio; Scagnetto, Ivan

Mobile Information Retrieval

This book offers a helpful starting point in the scattered, rich, and complex body of literature on  ...

In stock since: 20.08.2018


Scheurle, Jürgen

Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen

Eine Symbiose von klassischer und qualitativer Theorie

Das vorliegende Lehrbuch enthält eine kompakte, in Vorlesungen erprobte Einführung in diese moderne  ...

In stock since: 15.03.2018


Hromkovič, Juraj; Barot, Michael


Diskrete Wahrscheinlichkeit und Kombinatorik


Die grundlegenden Konzepte der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie werden in diesem Buch ausführlich und vers ...

In stock since: 07.12.2017


Domain Adaptation in Computer Vision Applications

This comprehensive text/reference presents a broad review of diverse domain adaptation (DA) methods  ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Bhuyan, Monowar H.; Bhattacharyya, Dhruba Kumar; Kalita, Jugal Kumar

Network Traffic Anomaly Detection and Prevention

Concepts, Techniques, and Tools

This indispensable text/reference presents a comprehensive overview on the detection and prevention  ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


O'Regan, Gerard

Concise Guide to Formal Methods

Theory, Fundamentals and Industry Applications

This invaluable textbook/reference provides an easy-to-read guide to the fundamentals of formal meth ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Kubat, Miroslav

An Introduction to Machine Learning

This textbook presents fundamental machine learning concepts in an easy to understand manner by prov ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Computing in Smart Toys

The goal of this book is to crystallize the emerging mobile computing technologies and trends into p ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Li, Gang; Zhu, Tianqing; Zhou, Wanlei

Differential Privacy and Applications

This book focuses on differential privacy and its application with an emphasis on technical and appl ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Matulevicius, Raimundas

Fundamentals of Secure System Modelling

This book provides a coherent overview of the most important modelling-related security techniques a ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Deep Learning for Biometrics

This timely text/reference presents a broad overview of advanced deep learning architectures for lea ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Earnshaw, Rae A.

State of the Art in Digital Media and Applications

This book presents the user-facing aspects of digital media, from the web and computer games, to mob ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Sestoft, Peter

Programming Language Concepts

This book uses a functional programming language (F#) as a metalanguage to present all concepts and  ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Shahrestani, Seyed

Internet of Things and Smart Environments

Assistive Technologies for Disability, Dementia, and Aging

This book is focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) services and smart environments that can be of  ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


Distributed Computing in Big Data Analytics

Concepts, Technologies and Applications

Big data technologies are used to achieve any type of analytics in a fast and predictable way, thus  ...

In stock since: 01.12.2017


The Urban Forest

Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment

This book focuses on urban 'green infrastructure' - the interconnected web of vegetated spaces like  ...

In stock since: 16.08.2017


Dierwechter, Yonn

Urban Sustainability through Smart Growth

Intercurrence, Planning, and Geographies of Regional Development across Greater Seattle


This book investigates the new urban geographies of 'smart' metropolitan regionalism across the Grea ...

In stock since: 16.08.2017


Open Data for Education

Linked, Shared, and Reusable Data for Teaching and Learning

This volume comprises a collection of papers presented at an Open Data in Education Seminar and the  ...

In stock since: 23.05.2017


Damböck, Christian

〈Deutscher Empirismus〉

Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830-1930

Die hier 〈deutscher Empirismus〉 genannte Tradition umfasst als Schlüsselfiguren Wilhelm Dilthey und  ...

In stock since: 15.05.2017
