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French, Nigel; Lledó, Ignacio

Photoshop para diseñadores: Efectos de tipografía

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

InDesign: Layout and Composition

Many designers overlook the importance of composition-it''s one of the tasks they do every day. But  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Digital Magazine

Designing for a digital magazine is similar to designing for a print magazine, but there are additio ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Art Nouveau Poster

"For every time its art. For art its freedom." For turn-of-the-century Europe, its art was Art Nouve ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Dada Poster

The Dada art movement rejected logic and reason, and instead embraced nonsense, irrationality, and d ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Constructivist Poster

Constructivists believed art should play a role in a better future for us all-that even typography c ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Victorian Ad

Graphic design from the Victorian era (roughly 1837 to 1901) is embodied by its ornate, decorative e ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Grunge Poster

Welcome to this installment of Type Project, where Nigel French shows you how to choose historically ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Photo Book

Photo books are a great way to display and preserve your memories, and services like iBooks and Blur ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Design Your First Logo

Logos are the visual representation for your brand-the mark identifying you among a sea of competito ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Logo Design: Techniques

Logos are a critical part of the modern visual landscape. A good logo is simple, instantly recogniza ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel; Dörsch, Martin

Photoshop für Designer: Schriften

In diesem Workshop aus der Reihe Photoshop für Designer sehen Sie welche Möglichkeiten Photoshop, vo ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Illustrator: Designing with Grids and Guides

Guides, grids, and tools related to these bring structure and consistency to your designs. By sugges ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Photoshop for Designers: Designing with Grids and Guides

Designing with grids is an essential part of any designer's skill set. Guides, grids, and their rela ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

InDesign: Elements of a Layout

Each element of a magazine should support and work in harmony with the other elements. This course d ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Art Deco Postcard

Our Type Project series takes you through typographic history, providing step-by-step directions to  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Typographic Bauhaus Book Cover

Welcome to another installment of Type Project. In this short course, designer Nigel French provides ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel; Chatain, Yves

Photoshop CC pour les graphistes : Les filtres

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel; Lledó, Ignacio

Photoshop para diseñadores: Fundamentos de tipografía

In stock since: 16.06.2021


French, Nigel

Designing a Letterhead System

Even in this age of digital correspondence, businesses still need a letterhead. In this course, Nige ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021
