Onleihe. eLearning Titles


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Schinkten, Oliver

Learning Microsoft Teams for Education

Microsoft Teams for Education is a powerful platform that allows you to communicate, collaborate, an ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


CreatorUp; Dumlao, Mitchel

The Most Important Content KPIs for Creators

Creatives need to know how to use data to their advantage. Whether you''re a small business focused  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021

On loan

Madecraft; Vijayan, Lavanya

Python Data Science Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you're a master in Python or you're still learning, chances are you're making simple mistake ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Madecraft; Vijayan, Lavanya

Python Functions for Data Science

Functions are a core building block of programming and working with data and an essential approach t ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Koberg, Corey

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Essential Training

Google Analytics 4 provides the means to track, analyze, and report on the visitors to your site and ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Madecraft; Galarnyk, Michael

Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn

The ability to apply machine learning algorithms is an important part of a data scientist's skill se ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


III, Frank P Moley

Spring Boot 2.0 Essential Training

Learn how to get started with Spring Boot 2.x, a powerful framework that can help you build web appl ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Bruchez, Rudi

Rester positif

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Kramer, Jen

Joomla! 4 First Look

When Joomla! 3.0 was released in 2012, the web was a much different place-Bootstrap 2 was new, HTML  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Job, Pete Mockaitis | How to Be Awesome at Your

How to Crush Self-Doubt and Build Self-Confidence

There is no magic pill that builds confidence overnight. Instead, confidence comes from repeating so ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Brazzi, Nick

Windows 10 October 2020 Update New Features

Get up to speed with the most significant enhancements in the October 2020 update of Windows 10. Ins ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Simpson, Nikiya

SQL Analysis for Data Developers

If you're looking to get Structured Query Language into your application development, but your story ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Maestri, George

3D Animation and Rigging Weekly

When it comes to bringing believable 3D characters to life in Autodesk Maya, there's always more to  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Carrera, Gabriel Viso

Gestión de deuda técnica

In stock since: 16.06.2021



The 4 Lenses of Innovation (getAbstract Summary)

The great thinkers of the Renaissance established the models for four tools that still inspire innov ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Stratton, Jess

Learning Outlook Desktop (Office 365/Microsoft 365)

Want to make Outlook for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) part of your workflow? In this course,  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


小野, 眸

Excel 2016:Power Pivot

In stock since: 16.06.2021



How to Be an Inclusive Leader (getAbstract Summary)

It's a sad reality that many organizations struggle with inclusivity and diversity. This audio-only  ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Carrera, Gabriel Viso

Cómo planificar copias de seguridad

In stock since: 16.06.2021


Madecraft; Wall, Alessandra

Articulating Your Value

Being an effective communicator who can articulate a message, goal, or value has become increasingly ...

In stock since: 16.06.2021
