Onleihe. Engl. eBooks from BT Titles


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Arduino Gherarducci is the latest in the family line of bald men with ornate combovers. Some combed  ...

In stock since: 28.10.2015


Johnson, Maureen

The key to the golden Firebird

There are lots of rules for the road, but none when it comes to the heart... 30% Family, 30% Funny,  ...

In stock since: 13.03.2014

Expected to be available from: Apr 10, 2025

A re-issue of a forgotten favourite, FIREWEED is an evocative and unflinching story of wartime survi ...

In stock since: 13.03.2014


Ngan, Natasha

The elites

[never be afraid to fall]


A beautifully written futuristic romance 30% Combat, 20% Conspiracy, 30% Love, 20% Friendship 'There ...

In stock since: 13.03.2014

Expected to be available from: Mar 20, 2025

Stroud, Meredith

Portal 24


A tense and thrilling time travelling action-adventure 30% Time Travel, 20% Sci-Fi, 20% Conspiracy,  ...

In stock since: 13.03.2014
