Onleihe. The Passionate Programmer


The Passionate Programmer

The Passionate Programmer

Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development

Person: Fowler, Chad

Year: 2018

Language: English

Scope: 232 p.


Reading sample
Fowler is a noted software developer and trainer, and he has written this motivational guide for IT practitioners and entrepreneurs who need to maintain greater control over the paths of their careers. The author provides strategies for choosing the right technology market, investing in the product, executing business plans and marketing services to customers and the IT industry. A final section explores the competitive nature of the IT industry and provides tips on how to be independent, avoid obsolescence and have fun. Distributed by O'Reilly Media. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Title: The Passionate Programmer

Person: Fowler, Chad

Publisher : Oreilly & Associates Inc

ISBN: 9781680505108

Category: Non-Fiction & Guidebooks, Job & Career

Format: ePub

2 Copies
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