Onleihe. Best of Billy Sheehan Songbook


Best of Billy Sheehan Songbook

Best of Billy Sheehan Songbook

Year: 2018

Language: English

Scope: 136 p.


Reading sample
(Bass Recorded Versions Persona). The masterful performances of Billy Sheehan on bass are featured in 14 note-for-note transcriptions with tab for bass in this folio. It includes Sheehan's solo efforts ("Chameleon" and 2 others) as well as his bass parts from the rock bands Mr. Big ("Addicted to That Rush" and 4 more), Talas ("High Speed on Ice" and "NV43345"), and Niacin ("Elbow Grease"), plus David Lee Roth ("Yankee Rose" and 2 others).

Title: Best of Billy Sheehan Songbook

Publisher : Hal Leonard Corp

ISBN: 9781540025203

Category: Non-Fiction & Guidebooks, Music

Format: ePub

1 Copies
1 Available
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Loan period: 21 days