Onleihe. Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly


Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

Person: Brazzi, Nick

Year: 2020


Get more out of Microsoft Teams, the popular communication and collaboration app. Each Monday Nick Brazzi shares tips and shortcuts to help you be more productive and efficient with this powerful tool. Learn how to get the most out of the core features in Teams-including chat, video calls, and conversation channels-and discover other powerful features: bots and other AI-powered tools, background effects, @mentions, advanced meeting options, and more. Note: Because this is an ongoing series, viewers will not receive a certificate of completion.

Title: Microsoft Teams Tips Weekly

Person: Brazzi, Nick

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

4948 Copies
4948 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 180 days