Onleihe. Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 6 Building Your First Ethereum App


Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 6 Building Your First Ethereum App

Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 6 Building Your First Ethereum App

Person: Solomon, Michael

Year: 2021


Have you wondered how blockchain can help you create applications that offer greater transparency, traceability, efficiency, and resilience while lowering your costs? This course, sixth in a series of eleven, walks you through building your first Ethereum app in Truffle, using the Solidity programming language. Instructor Michael Solomon shows you how to create and initialize a new directory for your Truffle project, launch Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and configure the Truffle project files. He steps you through writing and compiling a simple smart contract with the Solidity programming language. Michael also covers how to hook up your development environment to a test blockchain and deploy your smart contract to the test blockchain. Note: This course was created by Michael Solomon. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

Title: Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 6 Building Your First Ethereum App

Person: Solomon, Michael

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, IT

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Loan period: 180 days