Onleihe. Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations


Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations

Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations

Person: Hargis, Scott

Year: 2016


Being a successful real estate photographer means more than being able to make rooms look their best. You also need to have a sound pricing strategy, a marketing plan, and the ability to work well with real estate agents. In this course, real estate and architectural photographer Scott Hargis explores the business side of real estate photography, from pricing to marketing to client relations. Learn how to price your services, create a contract, conduct yourself on a shoot, and manage deliverables, invoices, and any conflicts post-shoot. Plus, find out how to market your work and get insights from the real estate agent''s perspective in a three-part interview with realtor Claudia Mills.

Title: Real Estate Photography: Marketing Pricing and Client Relations

Person: Hargis, Scott

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

12450 Copies
12450 Available
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Loan period: 180 days