Onleihe. Learning to Use Stock Photos and Assets


Learning to Use Stock Photos and Assets

Learning to Use Stock Photos and Assets

Person: Stohlmeyer, Kevin

Year: 2018


Stock images and illustrations are a great resource. You can acquire assets quickly and inexpensively, and gain access to a wide variety of subjects and styles. This course outlines the benefits of using stock photos and assets and shows how to find and purchase images from the most popular stock photography sites, including Adobe Stock, iStockphoto, and Shutterstock. Instructor Kevin Stohlmeyer covers important topics such as choosing a subscription plan, understanding the licensing terms, customizing images, and incorporating stock assets into your designs and documents.

Title: Learning to Use Stock Photos and Assets

Person: Stohlmeyer, Kevin

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

14833 Copies
14833 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 180 days