Onleihe. Managing Anxiety in the Workplace


Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Person: Pillay, Srini

Year: 2019


We all get anxious at times. But what do you do when anxiety is disrupting your job? This course provides resources to help you manage your anxiety and be more effective and successful at work. Dr. Srini Pillay, a Harvard-trained psychologist, explains how to recognize anxiety and understand when you need clinical help. For those who can manage day to day, he provides guidance to navigate the ins and outs of the workplace: from finding a job to having more successful interactions with coworkers. He also provides productivity strategies designed to help you manage conflict, technology hiccups, and work-related stress. Plus, learn how to manage and lead with anxiety in mind-so you can guide your reports through challenging times and overcome imposter syndrome and other anxiety-related traps.

Title: Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Person: Pillay, Srini

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

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Loan period: 180 days