Onleihe. OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook


OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

Person: Severino, Heather

Year: 2019


The Bullet Journal®, originated by designer Ryder Carroll, is an analog productivity system that helps you organize and prioritize your tasks more effectively, as well as mind the "why" behind each item on your to-do list. In this course, OneNote MVP Heather Severino shows how to create and maintain a Bullet Journal®-style notebook in OneNote. Heather begins by showing how to set up your notebook, choose a journal style, and add various types of task notes. She explains the best way to categorize tasks and explores many techniques for note-taking in various timelines-daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, past, present, or future. This course also offers downloadable page templates that can help you structure your journal for tracking life: work, personal, school, wellness, or all of the above. Note: Bullet Journal® is a registered trademark of Lightcage, LLC. This course is not endorsed by Ryder Carroll or Lightcage.

Title: OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

Person: Severino, Heather

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

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Loan period: 180 days