Onleihe. Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Studio Portraiture


Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Studio Portraiture

Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Studio Portraiture

Person: Kirkland, Douglas

Year: 2011


In the Douglas Kirkland on Photography series, well-known photographer Douglas Kirkland explores a variety of real-world photographic scenarios, sharing technique insights and critiquing the results. In this installment of the series, Douglas demonstrates how shooting in a studio allows for precise lighting control and consistency. The course begins with a look at the strobes and light modifiers that Douglas frequently employs for studio portraiture. Douglas positions the lights and then shoots a variety of portraits, demonstrating how he works with a model to capture different moods and positions. Finally, he reviews the best images from the shoot, analyzing the lighting techniques he employed and showing how judicious use of Photoshop can enhance a portrait without making it look unnaturally processed.

Title: Douglas Kirkland on Photography: Studio Portraiture

Person: Kirkland, Douglas

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

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Loan period: 180 days