Onleihe. Communication Training for Managers (EN)


Communication Training for Managers (EN)

Communication Training for Managers (EN)

Person: O'Connor, Dan

Year: 2021



Improve your managerial communication for more success Using Style-Stepping, this interactive video course provides you with everything you need to know in order to avoid conflicts, inspire your team and others by using benefit language, and build successful teams. Learn how to shift your linguistic style to adapt to your communication partner to establish a deeper personal connection and a more profound understanding between each other in order to increase productivity and prevent possible conflict situations. After this course you will be able to: - Choose the right people for a job considering their natural strengths - Compile a team that works - Apologize when necessary - Motivate and inspire employees and other people by using benefit language This course is aimed at mid-management and comprehensive executive training.

Title: Communication Training for Managers (EN)

Person: O'Connor, Dan

Publisher : Lecturio GmbH

Category: eLearning, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Leadership & Change

5000 Copies
3963 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 180 days

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